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Later that day, he found Durin's folk family heirloom it was a gem sought out by Oakenshield himself. He took matters into his hand and went to the campsite of the Elves and Esgaroth's men. The Hobbit, Bilbo, considered that what the Bard was asking is understandable. But, Oakenshielf did not consider his demand and refused immediately. Bard was beyond impatient he sent word to Oakenshield and asked a twelfth portion of the cache. He was insisting that the town's destruction was not part of his problems. The people who survived were still suffering from the ruin of the town. He wanted a portion of the treasure since he was the one who killed the firedrake dragon.

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During their arrival at Erebor, they did not expect to see the Mountain King and his allies still breathing and pretty much alive. The King and Bard's troops went straight to Erebor to ask a portion of the dragon's cache. He sent word to the King of the Wood of Greenleaves for relief. He helped the evacuees in whatever he could offer. He spearheaded the organization of putting up shelters to those who lost their homes. But he wanted to continue serving the Esgaroth's Master for now. The people of Esgaroth want Bard to be their next ruler because of what he did for them. Bard managed to flee just in time and paddled to the nearest shore. The hold of the firedrake on Esgaroth, Dale, and Erebor was gone too. The dragon instantly died, and his body fell on Esgaroth. He hit the vulnerable spot on the dragon's left side. When he had his chance, Bard used his heirloom, an arrow dark as night, and fired. Bilbo was the one who noted the place on the dragon's armor. The little Thrush bird spoke of the firedrake dragon's vulnerable spot. Since he was a direct descendant from Dale's race, he could understand the bird's words whispered in his ear. He was about to fire his remaining arrow when a small bird landed on Bard's shoulder. The commander himself was firing his arrows. He was ordering his people to shoot every arrow that they have. In the Third Age of the year 2941, the firedrake dragon from Erebor laid siege in Esgaroth. The next in line in his succession was Bard's son, named Bain. He became famously known as a firedrake dragon's slayer. It is in the northwestern area of Rhovanion's Long Lake. It is a modest size town with Men as its settlers. It was called Esgaroth upon the Long Lake. His home is in the western part of Erebor.

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He was also named as the First but was used in fewer times only.

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He was most commonly known as the Bowman.

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The dragon laid siege to Erebor in the Third Age of 2770. Girion's spouse and child had barely managed to flee Dale when the firedrake dragon was destroying it. Bard’s lineage was from the last Lord of Dale's direct descent.

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